About the castle

Hluboš village has its own specific and unique character. The local church of Holy Trinity draws attention to itself from a distance; we can see it from the top of Plešivec and Holy Mountain in Příbram. It is beautifully located upon Litavka valley. The second characteristic building of Hluboš is the castle. Before this late baroque castle was built the 18th century, there was medieval fortress.
From 15th to 18th century, there were about 25
owners, mainly members of minor nobility.
During the first half of 17th century Hluboš fortress changed to a castle. In the second half of 18th century this old and many times rebuilt fortress was demolished to the ground by another owner John Anthony Hochberg from Hanersdorf. He decided to build residence according to his idea and modern trends. The beginning of 19th century was the era of romantism and many curiosities. For example, in the main hall of Hluboš castle, there was a special dimensional music machine. There were many instruments mounted in it- whistles, clarinets, trumpets, drums, bells and cymbals. Noble guests used to come to Hluboš, so the castle had to be representative place. It was surrounded by rich flower beds and geometrically tight garden with fountains and jets. There was a bowling alley and an artificial cave. This castle had to be something exceptional as it was visited by the Austrian emperor Francis in 1810 and 1813.
Since the beginning of 19th century, the Hochsbergs from Hannersdorf had become more and more indebted. In 1816, they could no longer the onslaught of creditors. The estate got into the lottery and It was won by the certain Viennese citizen, who immediately got rid of it. This was repeated several times. Finally, in 1872 someone who was serious about Hluboš appeared. It was prince dynasty of Őttingen - Wallerstein, who also owned castle in Zbraslav. The new owners decided not only to repair and reequip the castle with noble equipment, but also to expand it. Result of these modifications is the present appearance of the castle with many pseudo renaissance elements.
In 1920 and 1921 it became the summer seat of president Thomas Garrigue Masaryk. It was rented for 4000 CZK from prince Oettingen. As Hluboš was quite a way from Prague, in the following year, 1921, Czechoslovak state bought Lány castle for the president's relaxation.
Visits of T. G. Masaryk in Hluboš are undoubtedly the brightest chapter of the past of this village.
In 1925, the property became the possession of the state and in the same year it was bought from the state by Příbram factory owner Josef Kolařík. The Kolařík family owned the castle with a large estate until it was nationalized in 1948. Many users then took turns at the castle. There was a political school, barracks, hostel for uranium mine workers or specialized high school with a boarding school.
After political changes in 1989, there were changes in the ownership of Hluboš castle . Most of the property was returned to descendants of the factory owner Josef Kolařík
Film Děvčata nedejte se! with Hugo Haas and Adina Mandlová was filmed at
Hluboš in 1937. From 2005 to 2008 TV
series Pojišťovna štěstí took place in there.